Loan Application Info
Information that will be needed for your loan application Here is a list of the information mortgage lenders will use to consider your loan application. Social Security Number: For borrower and co-borrower if any. This information is used to run your credit to determine: Liabilities and Other Non-Mortgage Debt: Creditors names, addresses, account numbers. Monthly payments and balances. Income documentation such as: • Tax returns For borrower and co-borrower if any. • Employment History For the last two years, employment dates, addresses, salary. Current pay stubs or W-2 forms. Asset documentation such as: • Checking and Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit Location of bank accounts, account numbers and balances; Address of bank if out of town. Last 3 months' statements. • Stocks, Bonds, and Investment Accounts Broker's name and address, description of stocks, bonds, etc. Last 3 months' statements or copies of stock certificates. • Life Insurance Policies Insurance company, policy number, face amount, cash value, if any. • Retirement Plan Approximate vested interest value. Copy of latest statement. Note: special situations may require additional documentation.